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Six episodes released September 2020 Digital Production You Are Here: A Homebound Travelogue Corley and Justin HudnallĮpisodes released Oct 15 – 28, 2020 Digital Production The Society of Wonder September 8 – December 15 Digital Production Listen With The Lights Offĭirected by Jennifer D. June – October 2020 Digital Production Portaleza July 16 – SeptemLive Performance on Zoom The Totally Fake Latino News with Culture Clash June 30 – JLive Performance on Zoom Walks of Lifeīook & Lyrics by Blake McCarty, Music by Ian BrandonĮpisode directed by Catherine Hanna Schrock & Blake McCartyīook by Kerry Kazmierowicztrimm, Music by Katherine Cartuscielloīy Michael Mitchell, Aurin Squire and Annastasia VictoryĮpisode directed by Kandace Crystal and Lamar PerryĮpisodes released May – August 2020 Digital Production The Wizards of Oakwood Drive Premiered Digital Production Show Me A Good TimeĬo-commissioned and co-produced with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin Streamed Novem– JanuDigital Production Digital Without Walls (WOW) Productions Ancient

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Production Conceived by Michael Arden & Dane Laffrey Previously-announced in-person subscriptions shows have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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